Doing Begets More Doing

I knew I was in trouble.

I knew I was in trouble when my brain was composing short, little Tweets at random. I knew at that point, I had been on Twitter too much and it was starting to change the way I thought.

Ever since I started this little experiment, I’ve been writing and sharing with regularity and I can feel my brain changing but in a better way than overusing Twitter changed it. It’s now beginning to think in my writer’s voice. I’ve been stretching and working that writer muscle and it’s been getting stronger. The ideas are coming without much effort and at a more frequent rate.

So doing the thing means that it’s easier to continue to do the thing.

This is not a new concept to me but I’m relearning this particular piece of knowledge in a new, deeper way. And I’ve seen this principle apply to lots of things in my life. When I’m already in the habit, it’s mentally (and sometimes physically) easier to continue doing the thing. When I stop, it’s much more difficult to get that momentum going again. So for now, I’m going to enjoy the benefits of a newly strengthened writer muscle.

P.S. This is not to say that I support our society’s obsession with productivity. Because I don’t. I think it’s good to quit and take breaks and I think it’s vital to take good care of ourselves.