THE LOVE SERIES #14: A Good Fire

The next creation for the Love Series is fire. Love of a good fire, to be specific.

Marker and watercolor. © 2020. Angelle Conant. All Rights Reserved.

Fire is an incredible thing – it is linked to our early evolution as the big-brained homo sapiens we are today. But it is also dangerous and frightening as evidenced by the wildfires in California and Australia. And yet, even wildfires have a silver lining in that they return vital nutrients to the earth.

I love a good fire for simple reasons. A fire can warm me on a winter day in a way that not even a heated blanket can manage. It provides a coziness and feeling of safety that’s almost subconscious. It reminds me of family and Christmas even though we didn’t have a fireplace when I was younger.

And all that’s just from sitting nearby – feeling the heat, smelling the burning wood and hearing the crackle of the embers. When I engage my eyes and stare into the fire, it can be an almost meditative experience. Sometimes the flames relax and mesmerize me and I achieve that elusive state where I’m thinking about nothing. Other times, I stare at the fire as my mind works over a problem.

And sometimes, we just roast marshmallows and end up with sticky fingers and happy bellies. 😉

May you be filled with warmth and feelings of coziness as we finish this winter season.