
Sketchbook Snapshot: Children’s Book Characters

Got to do a couple more character drawings from some children’s books that my kiddo and I have been reading lately. Both books were a lovely read. <3

Comic #4: COVID-19 Vaccines

I’ve been *sob* waiting so long *sob sob sob* to be able to post this *sob sob sob.*

4 panel comic titled COVID-19 Vaccines. 
Panel 1: an excited smiley face with the words "After reading that scientists were developing a COVID-19 vaccine..."
Panel 2: an excited smiley face with the words "After my older & immunocompromised friends & family were vaccinated..."
Panel 3: an excited smiley face with the words "After my husband & I and adult family & friends were vaccinated..."
Panel 4: a sobbing face that's saying "I'm *sob* so *sob* HAPPY!" with the words "After my kiddo was vaccinated..."
So grateful to be able to get my young kiddo vaccinated. *sob sob sob*

Comic #3: Kids COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

Me, this morning, realizing that the CDC is meeting today to (hopefully) approve Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines for the 5-11 age group. The vote is scheduled for 4:15pm ET/3:15pm CT and I am literally counting down the hours.

Two panel comic. 
Panel 1: A man and woman are sleeping in bed when their alarm goes off at 7am. 
Panel 2: The woman is awake right away and says to her bewildered and wide eyed husband "Wake up honey! It's CDC day!"
Happy CDC Day to you!

Sketchbook Snapshot: Newt Scamander

I’ve been wanting to do this drawing and accompanying quote since the first Fantastic Beasts movie came out. YEARS later and I’m finally getting to it. XD It was great for practicing shadows, my lines, and just getting used to all the tools on Rebelle 4.

A watercolor painting with black ink lines of Newt Scamander from the Fantastic Beasts movie. He has brown hair, brown eyes, light skin and a gray jacket with the collar popped. He also has a navy bowtie, white button up shirt and a tan vest over his shirt. There are words in cursive that say "My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice. - Newt Scamander"
Made on Rebelle 4 with watercolor, pastels, airbrush, ink, and acrylic. And the glorious Undo button. 😉

Sketchbook Snapshot: Rebelle 4 Practice

I’ve really been enjoying my new digital art software, Rebelle 4 (updated since Rebelle 3), and have been practicing on it quite a bit. As I learn the software more, I’m actually starting to enjoy working in Rebelle vs Traditional Pen and Paper MORE (which came as a shock to me) because of all the amazing digital tools that make it easier to make mistakes and fix them quickly. 😉

Here are a few of the things I created while I was practicing with my new tools:

A digital drawing of a little boy in a blue long sleeve shirt and maroon pants is running with a white string that seems to be attached to an unseen kite. The sky is many shades of purple and blue.
Me trying to get the hang of drawing children for the children’s book I eventually want to do. This is a background character from the wonderful book, The Magical Yet.
A digital watercolor drawing of a white woman with red glasses, a red headband with bow, a pearl necklace and a turquoise A-line dress. There is a red belt around her waist that also has a red bow on it. Her shoulders are raised and her arms are up in the air as if she is shrugging.
My confused girl. Working on using watercolor in Rebelle and also learning how to do highlights from light.
A digital watercolor drawing of fish with a large purple eye in blue water. The fish is many shades of pink and purple swirled together.
Playing around with watercolor to create a happy little fish. 🙂

Sketchbook Snapshot: What Does the Fox Say?

More sketching in Rebelle 3! 🙂 This is my little fox friend who is very happy.

a smiling red fox, curled up with it's fluffy tail around it.
Watercolor and ink.

Also, in case you don’t already have the song stuck in your head, you’re welcome. 😉

Sketchbook Snapshot: Rainbow Dash

So this is a somewhat different Sketchbook Snapshot. It’s a digital sketch made with my new digital art tools! 🙂

I tried some new things and I think I’m really starting to get the hang of Rebelle 3 and my graphics drawing tablet. Exciting!

a drawing of rainbow dash from My Little Pony. A blue pony with blue wings and a rainbow tail and mane.
Ink and watercolor in Rebelle 3.