
5 Reasons I Love My Shaved Head


After many years of wanting to, I finally shaved my head and I’m loving it. Here’s why:

  1. It was on my list. Ever since my high school English teacher showed us a picture of her shaved head, I’ve always wanted to do it. Why hadn’t I done it yet? Fear. It feels SO GOOD to throw fear aside and do something I’ve always wanted to do. It is incredibly empowering and joyful. I still giggle with glee when I see myself in the mirror. Which leads me to…
  2. I feel so sexy! Confidence and sexiness go hand-in-hand and doing something even though it scared me was a huge confidence booster. Bonus: my husband finds my new hairdo super sexy too!
  3. It’s so easy. I have a 2 month old daughter so I’m all about quick and easy right now. No hair getting in the way while breastfeeding or carrying her around. It’s the ultimate mom haircut but with a little bit of badass thrown in. Also, with this hair, I’ve gotten my shower time to well under 10 minutes. Good for my baby and the environment!
  4. Earrings. I finally get to show off my beautiful earrings that were always hidden behind dark hair before. It’s a whole new jewelry world!
  5. It feels awesome. I love rubbing my hand along my head and feeling how soft my hair is. I love feeling the water from the shower hit my scalp and the wind blow through my hair (which is amazing in this Texas heat!). It’s a completely new way of feeling and I love it.

Overall. I give shaving my head 5 beautiful stars. I highly recommend.

Pregnancy Affirmations

This pregnancy, being our first, has been a whirlwind of changes and some fears have crept up in the process. Fear of judgment in my choices about parenting and birth. Fear that I’m not doing enough or not doing it right. Fear that things won’t go ‘perfectly’ or be what I think it should be. Fear that I won’t be strong enough to birth this baby. Fear that my body will betray me. Fear that I will betray myself.

After recognizing that all these fears were present (and bogus), I needed to put something better in their place and so I’ve created a few affirmations to do just that:

  • I am enough. I am strong, wise, and grounded.
  • I did my best and my best is enough.
  • I have done and am doing the best I can physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for my baby and my best is good enough. This baby will be whole and healthy and exactly what this baby is meant to be.
  • I listen to my inner wise voice. I stand strong in my truth and power.maternity photo
  • I love my body. I trust my body. I am grateful for my body. My body is enough.
  • My body is producing the perfect size baby for me to birth naturally and easily.
  • I listen to my inner wise voice and all is well.
  • I am strong and resilient. I persevere.
  • I have faith in my strength.
  • I love and accept myself just the way that I am.
  • I honor my inner wisdom and stand strong in my power and truth.
  • I am a good mother.
  • I love this baby. I honor this baby. I am so grateful for this baby.
  • I honor and embrace my excitement and joy for this baby.

Whether or not you are pregnant, may these affirmations help you to recognize how amazing and strong you are as well. <3

Daily Reminders

I came across an article the other day about the book, Top Five Regrets of the DyingAnd then I read a blog post about a woman’s conversation with her fearless friend that was also inspiring.

From the articles, I absorbed a few gems of wisdom and felt I needed to write them down in action-type bullet points above my desk as a daily reminder. Hopefully, they help to remind you of what is most important as well.

  1. Be true to yourself.
  2. Have fun; don’t work so hard.
  3. Express yourself (feelings, opinions, etc)
  4. Maintain golden friendships.
  5. Let yourself be happy.
  6. Be fearless.
  7. Life is so very beautiful; see it and appreciate it.