Experimenting with Watercolor

In today’s art adventure: experimenting with watercolor! I didn’t get ‘grown-up’ watercolors until I was in my late 20s so this is still a very new medium for me. I set up my daughter with her Crayola watercolors and I set up my ‘grown-up’ watercolors and we set to work. This is the result:

Watercolor. © 2018. Angelle Conant. All Rights Reserved.

The lion was the kiddo’s idea: “Mommy, do a lion.” The jellyfish were my idea – they are my current obsession. I just find them so graceful, beautiful and peaceful.

Sadly, I can’t show you a picture of my daughter’s creation because it was a wet pile of paper and brightly colored water on the floor. Good thing I recently reminded myself that it is okay to get messy! 😉

What about you? Do you enjoy watercolor? Have any tips or tricks for a beginner? Let me know in the comments! And if you’d like to stay up-to-date on all my artistic happenings, please subscribe!