colored pencils

Sketchbook Snapshot: Avatar Lena

So I’ve mentioned we’ve been watching a lot of DuckTales AND Legend of Korra. Well, the new season of DuckTales just started and…


when Lena turns into a full-fledged sorceress and her eyes glow white-blue, I couldn’t help but conjure up this image.

DuckTales and Legend of Korra mash-up. Ink and Colored Pencils.

Sketchbook Snapshot: Legend of Korra

We’ve started re-watching this after finishing Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s such a good show. 🙂

Sketchbook Snapshot: Teapots

I think this teapot just looks really happy.
Black felt tip marker and colored pencils.
I have a cast iron tea pot that looks very similar to this. I created the ‘texture’ of the teapot by drawing a bunch of tiny ‘X’s before coloring over them. It took forever but it was worth it.
I just really like drawing teapots (and sometimes tea cups too).

Sketchbook Snapshot: July 5th, 2020

I was about to open my computer when I saw a beautiful screensaver photo and I had a strange urge to sketch it. Turns out it was Ireland. This is significant because before the pandemic started, we were beginning to plan a family trip to Ireland – I even have a couple of library Ireland travel books still sitting on my bookshelves.

I’ve had a rough time handling things recently and this was a lovely reminder that this self-isolation and pandemic will end. This is temporary. And we will get to live our lives, out and about in the world, again.

This is my sketch of a photo by David Soanes Photography. The photo says it is Antrium, Ulster, Ireland.

Pencil and colored pencils. © 2020. Angelle Conant. All Rights Reserved.

Sketchbook Snapshot: June 8th, 2019

You guys. I sat down to sketch with no particular idea in mind and I think I ended up drawing Moana’s Grandma.

This lady kind of looks like Moana’s fun, eccentric Grandma to me.

What are you sketching? Send me a pic or tweet me @angelleconant.