THE LOVE SERIES #1: Introduction

Today begins an idea that has been brewing for literally years. When I was in high school, I was given the assignment of creating a mission statement for my life. Being the over-achieving, perfectionist I was, I agonized over the assignment for days. I fell far down the rabbit hole and had a near existential crisis before realizing that there was only one true answer for me: LOVE. Try as I might to create a more ‘traditional’ mission statement, the only thing that rang true and was all-encompassing enough to satisfy me was simply: LOVE. Love is what makes life bearable (to borrow from Carl Sagan). The teacher printed all of our mission statements out and I still have mine to this day.

Exhibit A. She's a little worse for the wear, but still kicking nonetheless.

Exhibit A. She’s a little worse for the wear, but still kicking nonetheless.

LOVE has been my guidepost ever since. Two years ago, when I began my creative journey in earnest, I thought up an idea for a series of LOVE expressions. That idea has fermented for two long years and is now being brought to life.

This LOVE SERIES will be a collection of art about love. Love that I see. Love that I experience. Love that I feel needs to spread. Any and all iterations of LOVE that I come across and wish to express in an artistic way.

Along the way, if you have an ideas, questions or comments, please feel free to share them with me via my Contact Me” page or in the comments section. If you’d like to receive new posts in your inbox, please subscribe here or in the sidebar.

It is my sincere hope and wish that these pieces might brighten the world in some way. So it begins…



© 2016. Angelle Conant. All Rights Reserved.